Have you been creating interior 3D visualizations for a while? Then of course, you know about, or are even using one of well-known modeling and visualization solutions like 3ds Max, SketchUp, Revit, V-Ray, Corona or Redshift. In your build workflow, each step from modeling to rendering is clear. However, your final render doesn't look as photorealistic as you expect. The poor result may be due to the low quality of the materials you use.

Do you take the materials for your visualizations from material image libraries? Then you notice that they often hold low-quality materials and textures, and the time you spent searching for them is disproportionately long.
The opportunity to use photorealistic materials in 3D visualizations is the desire and aspiration of all interior designers and 3D artists. After all, high-quality materials have one of the most significant impacts on how photorealistic your visualization will look. But how do you avoid material picture libraries? And where to get materials that are photorealistic, unique, and at the same, time suitable for any modeling and visualization solution you use?
These are the questions that our training center's instructor and CTO Imantas Maciukevičius will answer in our latest video blog. Moreover, Imantas will suggest a solution that can completely change your texturing workflow for achieving realistic renders.
We hope you enjoyed all the information provided in this video blog. Please feel free to call or email us with any comments, questions, suggestions or concerns.
All the best from our team at CGISCIENCE!